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The 3 Best Jade Rollers On Amazon


And as Elaine Huntzinger, L.Ac, Holistic Facial Acupuncturist (with whom Bustle spoke for this article) notes, they really can make for an effective addition to your skin-care routine. "In traditional Chinese medicine, jade is the purveyor of beauty and serenity so it helps bring yin to the face," Huntzinger says. "In technical terms, it helps tighten the pores and move the lymph fluid downwards," she explains of how the gentle massaging motion increases circulation and stimulates lymphatic drainage to reduce swelling. "I don't think it can really sculpt or lift," she says of those common claims (though treating puffiness could certainly give the illusion of a more sculpted face). "As for clearing up acne," she adds of another common myth, "It may help by promoting the lymph to move downward, thus, aiding in clearing up cellular debris."

If you're new to facial-rolling, Huntzinger says that the rules are simple. Jade rollers can be used by all skin types at any time of the day. "I prefer it in the evening after you've done your nighttime skin routine," she says, as it helps to work products like serums deeper into the skin. "But if you woke up with a puffy face, a good roll could help you de-puff," she adds. When you use your jade roller, Huntzinger says to always start at your neck and work the roller upwards. You may also notice that some jade rollers have a smaller roller at the opposite end. Huntzinger notes that this smaller side can be used around the eyes and lips, but that a single-sided roller will work just fine. Huntzinger's favorite jade rollers include the Herbivore Facial Jade Roller and the rollers by Jade Roller Beauty.

But overall, she says to pay attention to the stone itself and the quality of the hardware. "Stones possess energetic properties, so it's important to find a good source that uses stone that hasn't been altered," she explains. That said, because "real" jade costs thousands of dollars, most of the jade rollers you see on the beauty market are made of nephrite or jadeite, which are both less-expensive varieties of jade. (Super-cheap rollers might be made of serpentine, glass, or even marble.) While these materials still offer the benefits of boosted circulation and reduced puffiness, they don't promote the same energy as jade.